poetry Blast Sept 1 2011

OK, I know. For many of you, the song "Moondance" lost its charm half way through the first jazz workshop you attended or first cover band you played in. Along with "Proud Mary," "Moondance" has become something at which we sometimes roll our eyes. Too bad, because it is a great song (just like "Proud Mary"--and BTW the 'B' side of the Ike and Tina 45 RPM single of Proud Mary is super-badass--) and, what's more, the ALBUM Moondance contains too much treasure for me to process all at once. So here are two of my favorites from that LP (it's ok, don't worry: neither of them is "Moondance"): Favorite 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX8nAZftZL4 Favorite 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WapeKX1J1B0&feature=related Now, let's read a poem by Victor Hernandez Cruz: (And...another disclaimer by yours truly. Anyone who knows me knows that I do not take hurricanes or anything associated with them lightly. But...consider that this poem is not really about hurricanes. So, what is it about? Best answer wins.) Problems with Hurricanes A campesino looked at the air And told me: With hurricanes it's not the wind or the noise or the water. I'll tell you he said: it's the mangoes, avocados Green plantains and bananas flying into town like projectiles. How would your family feel if they had to tell The generations that you got killed by a flying Banana. Death by drowning has honor If the wind picked you up and slammed you Against a mountain boulder This would not carry shame But to suffer a mango smashing Your skull or a plantain hitting your Temple at 70 miles per hour is the ultimate disgrace. The campesino takes off his hat— As a sign of respect toward the fury of the wind And says: Don't worry about the noise Don't worry about the water Don't worry about the wind— If you are going out beware of mangoes And all such beautiful sweet things.

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