A Dream of Deeper Snow

The dreams I had last night can only be explained by the handful of peanuts I ate before ending my day. There was snow--lots of it. Three feet deep and me trudging through it. I was supposed to be somewhere, and I was late. But instead of worrying about that, I fell backwards into the snow and it sort of covered me up, like quicksand. Quicksnow. It became difficult to breathe. I could only see this diffused, white/gray light coming through the snow over my face. That is all I remember. Except for the two snowy owls I saw and the lamb that was the size of a kitten. They wanted to get into my house. Oh, and some sort of scruffy terrier dog that also wanted to get in. I brought the kitten-sized lamd into the house because I thought the owls might eat it. It turned gray after I brought it inside. Perhaps gold would turn to copper in my presence too?